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1-10 of 27 events
Webinar: Advocacy Action Guide
On April 10, the Global Health Council and the Global Health Advocacy Incubator launched the revised GHAI's Advocacy Action Guide. The Action Guide is a practical resource for public health advocates to plan, organize and implement effective advocacy, based on the experiences of civil society advocates in every region of the world.
Navigating the Food Policy Landscape: A Discussion on Applying Nutrient Profile Models for Better Policies
In this global webinar, GHAI and its co-branding partners Vital Strategies, Resolve To Save Lives and the O’Neill Institute discussed our newly released NPM position paper, why it was developed and why it’s needed within the current global public health space.
GHAI launches the Budget Advocacy Toolkit for Epidemic Preparedness: Facilitator's Guide
The Global Health Advocacy Incubator hosted an online discussion on the Budget Advocacy Toolkit for Epidemic Preparedness: Facilitator’s Guide. Participants learned about the step-by-step course for facilitators to teach epidemic preparedness advocacy techniques to government and civil society organization stakeholders to build strong and resilient systems for health security.
Experts Emphasize the Need for Advocacy to Impact Health Disparities
Read more about our event, “Advocacy to Impact Health Disparities " that was held alongside the UN General Assembly on September 20, 2023. The event featured global health leaders and experts to discuss the important role civil society organizations play in solving the world’s most pressing health disparities.