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Our Impact

GHAI and our partners are creating a healthier and more equitable future for all, from making roads safer and ensuring kids get vaccinated to saving children from drowning and making foods healthier and more accessible.
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The Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) supports civil society organizations and advocacy movements around the world that have helped pass public health policies in 30 countries covering 3 billion people. 

The policies we help advance are saving lives and improving people’s health. GHAI is helping to make roads safer, food healthier and, access to essential medicines easier, while ensuring children don’t die from preventable injuries and disease. GHAI tackles the most urgent public health priorities causing the most diseases and injuries. 

Our impact is measured in stronger health systems and healthier communities that are improving health and well-being and saving lives.


113 policy victories

We’ve helped civil society organizations worldwide pass or strengthen more than 113 policies that improve health and save lives.

30 countries activated

Our teams use their advocacy expertise across diverse political systems to drive life-changing and life-saving health policy advancements.

3 billion people reached

Our health policy victories are reducing preventable deaths through safer roads, healthier food, better access to essential medicine and more.

Where We Work

We work with partners around the world to maximize their impact and save lives. Click on a country on the map to learn more, or filter by program.


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Success Stories

Explore our case studies to learn about our partners, approaches, our successes and lessons learned.

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Sustaining Drowning Prevention Programs in Vietnam

In Vietnam, a groundbreaking partnership between the national government and international partners is on track to reduce the national drowning burden by 20%. By securing dedicated funding streams and pursuing innovative partnerships, two high-burden provinces have provided a blueprint for sustaining their drowning prevention programs.

81 policy victories across 49 countries, reaching more than
3 billion people.

What People Are Saying About Us

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“Thanks to the support of the Global Health Advocacy Incubator, our advocacy actions in Brazil have reached a higher and more comprehensive stage at all levels of government in a short period of time. Our ability to raise consumer awareness around obesity prevention policies, especially improved food labeling, has been strengthened and we have made significant progress toward tackling the obesity epidemic in the country due to this key partnership.”

— Brazilian Institute for Consumers Defense (IDEC)

“We have come to rely on the GHAI’s network of advocates and partners around the world as we work together to promote policy and legislative change to save lives. GHAI have supported our team in designing and implementing public health policy advocacy campaigns as well as innovative civil society capacity building programs. They are a team of consummate professionals who have a client-focused mindset and a unique ability to work effectively across cultures and public health issue areas. GHAI’s critical support and “can do” attitude are instrumental in helping us to achieve our organizational priorities.”

— Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP)

“As a result of the support provided by GHAI, Red PaPaz has implemented communications and advocacy strategies aimed at increasing popular support towards establishing clear Front-of-Package (FOP) warning labels on junk food. These strategies have garnered significant media and public attention and have served to build a heated public debate and clear support for FOP labels. Thanks to GHAI assistance, Red PaPaz has grown, strengthening its commitment to obesity prevention among children and adolescents.”

— Red PaPaz, Colombia