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November 17, 2020

New Report Reveals How Big Companies Exploited COVID-19 to Market Unhealthy Products

On November 17, the Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) released the report “Facing Two Pandemics: How Big Food Undermined Public Health in the Era of COVID-19.” This report details how multinational food and beverage companies (“Big Food”)– such as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Nestlé, and PepsiCo – seized the COVID-19 pandemic as a unique opportunity to aggressively market their unhealthy, ultra-processed products to especially vulnerable populations while directly and indirectly influencing healthy food policies.

The report draws from nearly 300 examples collected in 18 countries between March and July 2020 to reveal how the lack of healthy food regulations worldwide enabled Big Food to use the global crisis to polish their public images while undermining public health.

Some examples of industry activity include:

Ultra-processed food and drinks, defined as industrially manufactured ready-to-heat-and-eat foods, are major contributors to rising rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diet-related diseases. People with these diseases are at greater risk of experiencing complications from COVID-19 than people without these conditions. This makes Big Food’s activities especially problematic – countries with high rates of obesity and diet-related diseases faced the COVID-19 pandemic with a huge liability: a vulnerable population more susceptible to complications, and even death, from COVID-19.

The very companies who had already contributed to rising rates of obesity and diet-related diseases exploited COVID-19 to position themselves and their products as “essential,” while also, directly and indirectly, influencing public health policy.

Examples of Big Food influencing public health policy include:

Big Food’s ability to use this pandemic to their advantage underscores the urgent need for evidence-based healthy food policies worldwide to address diet-related diseases and limit Big Food’s interference in policymaking. These types of policies include:

  • Front of package labels warning of high content of sugar, fats and sodium;
  • School food environments free of junk food and sugary drink offerings and promotions;
  • Comprehensive bans of advertising, promotion and sponsorship of unhealthy foods and drinks, particularly those aimed at children and adolescents;
  • Taxes on junk food and sugary drinks;
  • Legal frameworks to ensure transparency related to conflict of interest in policymaking; and
  • Protocols to regular food assistance programs and food donations during health emergencies.

GHAI’s report urges government and civil society organizations to take action to implement these policies. Each of these policies could have helped individuals make healthier food choices during the pandemic and are even more important today as countries recover from the pandemic and work to ensure a healthier future.

More information about the work of GHAI’s Food Policy Program can be found here.

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