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October 22, 2024

Forging Partnerships for Progress: Stakeholders Unite to Champion Front-of-Package Labels in the Philippines

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Heart disease remains the world’s leading cause of death. But it doesn't have to be. The Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) is at the forefront of the battle against cardiovascular disease, partnering with global advocates to pass life-saving policies. One approach is supporting policies that reduce dietary sodium intake—an initiative that not only saves lives but also cuts the soaring economic costs of treating chronic, diet-related diseases.

How do we make that happen? Front-of-package warning labels (FOPWL) are a powerful tool. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes front-of-package labels as a cost-effective measure in the fight against obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and a key policy tool to protect and promote the human right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Leading the charge in Southeast Asia is the Philippines, a country identified as a frontrunner in the WHO Acceleration Plan to Stop Obesity, launched during the 75th World Health Assembly in 2022 to tackle the growing crisis of obesity.

In September, GHAI joined forces with Resolve to Save Lives for a three-day workshop aimed at accelerating global and local collaboration to create an evidence-based FOPWL policy for the Philippines. Policy advocacy is a team sport—it thrives on the power of collaboration and coordination across every level of the policy process. This workshop was a nexus for key players: representatives from civil society (ImagineLaw and HealthJustice), academia (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health), Vital Strategies, local government, WHO and UNICEF all gathered to pool their expertise and push for progress.

Experts from WHO and the Philippines Department of Health – Health Promotion Bureau presented the nation’s top priorities in battling obesity and NCDs, giving a clear snapshot of ongoing efforts and mapping out potential areas of collaboration. It was a chance to reflect on the past year’s wins and roadblocks—and, more importantly, to pinpoint the strategies that will drive the current campaign forward.

With so many voices at the table, this gathering wasn’t just another conference—it was a chance to forge consensus on the roadmap to passing a mandatory FOPWL policy in the Philippines. Together, stakeholders dissected the best- and worst-case scenarios in the policy process and considered lessons learned from other regions, crafting an actionable plan that aligns with government goals and ensures shared ownership of the advocacy strategy.

Passing and implementing FOPWL policies is a vital piece of the broader food systems movement. It’s not just about warning labels—it’s about reshaping the entire food environment. The workshop highlighted the importance of harmonizing efforts across sectors and ensuring that advocacy is firing on all cylinders, from the grassroots to the top levels of government.