Jonas Mbwangue
Associate Director, Immunization

- Immunization
- Nigeria
- Ghana
- Madagascar
- Bangladesh
- Pakistan
Jonas Mbwangue is the Associate Director of the Immunization program. He is a senior economist with expertise in budget advocacy for sustainable immunization financing in Africa and Asia. Prior to joining GHAI, he was the Lead Technical Advisor of the Presidential Initiative for Health in Africa in Burkina Faso, implemented by Expertise France/French Development Agency (AFD) Group.
Before that, he worked with Sabin Vaccine Institute, as a Senior Program Officer of the Advocacy Program for sustainable Immunization financing (SIF) implemented in Africa and Asia with the financial support of Gates foundation, Gavi and CDC Atlanta. He was also a consultant at the World Bank in Washington D.C and Executive Director of the Cameroon Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
Jonas Mbwangue holds a master's of public administration in economic policy management obtained in 2004 at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) of Columbia University.