Improving access to medications for opioid use disorder
Overdose deaths in the U.S. continue to climb—in 2022, more than 111,000 people in the United States died from a drug overdose. Federal legislation can change that trajectory by increasing access to treatment and preventing future overdose deaths. The Global Health Advocacy Incubator’s Overdose Prevention Initiative advocates to ensure that evidence-based treatment and harm reduction services that help save lives from drug overdose are within reach. By advancing federal policies that address the disparities, inequities, and stigma in the addiction treatment system, we can make a difference in the lives of people across the U.S. and prevent needless overdose deaths. For more information on the Overdose Prevention Initiative at GHAI, visit actionforoverdose.org.
This work is supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies.
Improving access to medications for opioid use disorder
Reducing disparities, inequities and stigma
Supporting harm reduction approaches
The Overdose Prevention Initiative successfully advocated for the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment (MAT) Act, which increases access to treatment for opioid use disorder. The MAT Act was passed with the Omnibus in December 2022 and greatly increased the capacity to treat addiction in the United States overnight.
The Overdose Prevention Initiative coordinates briefings for members of the U.S. Congress and their staff to educate them on critical legislation and policies and the importance of treatment access at key intervention points, such as in jails and prisons. Wherever possible, our team incorporates data, insights, and materials from our Bloomberg Overdose Prevention Initiative partners.
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Director, Communications
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Strategic Partnerships Program Manager
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March 7, 2025
December 17, 2024
October 30, 2024