The Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) Road Safety program works with civil society organizations and governments across the globe to reduce death and injury related to road crashes. Together, we advance policies in support of five priority behavioral risk factors to enhance road safety — child restraints, drink driving, helmets, seat belts and speed — in addition to pressing for higher vehicle safety standards.
Using an evidence-based approach, we provide critical advocacy and communications support to civil society organizations and governments. Our activities include:
GHAI’s Road Safety Program is funded through the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety 2020-2025 (BIGRS). BIGRS aims to reduce road crash fatalities and injuries in low and middle-income countries and cities by implementing a comprehensive set of actions that are proven to save lives. Since 2014, with the support of BIGRS, GHAI has delivered its expertise in advancing road safety policies to 15 countries.
Where We Work
Action Agenda to Address a Growing Public Health and Safety Crisis
While motorcycles provide essential mobility and economic opportunities, increasing rates of crash-related fatalities and injuries demand urgent attention and action. This action agenda for motorcycle safety aims to catalyze further dialogue, knowledge sharing, policy momentum and impact to reverse the devastating trend of death, injury and loss of opportunity resulting from the exponential rise of motorcycle crashes.
Road safety advocates in Mexico mobilized to pass the General Law on Mobility and Road Safety in 2022, which reflects WHO best practices on the five priority behavioral risk factors.
The Ministry of Works and Transport in Uganda adopted road safety regulations in 2023 on child restraints, drink driving, helmets and seat belt use with support from the Road Safety Advocacy Coalition.
The government of Bangladesh approved the Road Transport Rules 2022 containing provisions on setting speed limits for different types of roads, mandatory helmet wearing for drivers and riders, seat belt fastening for drivers and passengers and banning drink driving. The Government also revised and notified the helmet standards following community driven advocacy efforts.
In February 2023, Colombia approved a law to join the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, the first Latin American country to take this step. A few months earlier, legislation requiring 50Km/h speed limits in urban zones and 90km/h on highways passed into law as a result of numerous advocacy campaigns led by the Colombian road safety coalition.
Bangladesh Coordinator
Associate Director, Communications
Executive Assistant
Program Director
Director, Advocacy and Capacity Strengthening
Colombia Coordinator
Associate Director, Communications
Ukraine Coordinator
Associate Director, Advocacy
Ecuador Coordinator
China Coordinator
Senior Advisor, Mexico
Director of Communications
Associate Director, Advocacy
Associate Director, Advocacy
Vietnam Coordinator
China Media Officer
In-Country Coordinator, Uganda
India Coordinator
Regional Director for Latin America
The General Law on Mobility and Road Safety marked a major step forward in the country’s efforts to reduce road traffic deaths by creating the legal framework necessary to advance road safety laws at the national, state and municipal levels, while also raising minimum vehicle safety standards.
In the Philippines, local civil society organizations identified the pressing need for a law mandating the use of car seats to protect children involved in road crashes. Car seats can reduce the risk of death in a crash by up to 80 percent for small children, but parents in the Philippines had not been required to use them – until now.
March 21, 2025
February 7, 2025
December 17, 2024